pl |
Entry point for loading all PL libraries only on demand, into the global space. | |
Application support functions. |
pl.array2d |
Operations on two-dimensional arrays. |
pl.class |
Provides a reusable and convenient framework for creating classes in Lua. |
pl.compat |
Lua 5.1/5.2/5.3 compatibility. |
pl.comprehension |
List comprehensions implemented in Lua. |
pl.config |
Reads configuration files into a Lua table. | |
Reading and querying simple tabular data. |
pl.dir |
Listing files in directories and creating/removing directory paths. |
pl.file |
File manipulation functions: reading, writing, moving and copying. |
pl.func |
Functional helpers like composition, binding and placeholder expressions. |
pl.import_into |
PL loader, for loading all PL libraries, only on demand. |
pl.input |
Iterators for extracting words or numbers from an input source. |
pl.lapp |
Simple command-line parsing using human-readable specification. |
pl.lexer |
Lexical scanner for creating a sequence of tokens from text. |
pl.luabalanced |
Extract delimited Lua sequences from strings. |
pl.operator |
Lua operators available as functions. |
pl.path |
Path manipulation and file queries. |
pl.permute |
Permutation operations. |
pl.pretty |
Pretty-printing Lua tables. |
pl.seq |
Manipulating iterators as sequences. |
pl.sip |
Simple Input Patterns (SIP). |
pl.strict |
Checks uses of undeclared global variables. |
pl.stringio |
Reading and writing strings using file-like objects. |
pl.stringx |
Python-style extended string library. |
pl.tablex |
Extended operations on Lua tables. |
pl.template |
A template preprocessor. |
pl.test |
Useful test utilities. |
pl.text |
Text processing utilities. |
pl.types |
Dealing with Detailed Type Information |
pl.url |
Python-style URL quoting library. |
pl.utils |
Generally useful routines. |
pl.xml |
XML LOM Utilities. |