Module pl.input

Iterators for extracting words or numbers from an input source.

require 'pl'
local total,n = seq.sum(input.numbers())

source is defined as a string or a file-like object (i.e. has a read() method which returns the next line)

See here

Dependencies: pl.utils


alltokens (getter, pattern[, fn]) create an iterator over all tokens.
create_getter (f) create a function which grabs the next value from a source.
numbers (f) generate a sequence of numbers from a source.
words (f) generate a sequence of words from a source.
fields (ids, delim, f, opts) parse an input source into fields.


alltokens (getter, pattern[, fn])
create an iterator over all tokens. based on allwords from PiL, 7.1


  • getter function any function that returns a line of text
  • pattern string
  • fn string Optionally can pass a function to process each token as it's found. (optional)


    an iterator
create_getter (f)
create a function which grabs the next value from a source. If the source is a string, then the getter will return the string and thereafter return nil. If not specified then the source is assumed to be stdin.


  • f a string or a file-like object (i.e. has a read() method which returns the next line)


    a getter function
numbers (f)
generate a sequence of numbers from a source.


  • f A source


    An iterator
words (f)
generate a sequence of words from a source.


  • f A source


    An iterator
fields (ids, delim, f, opts)
parse an input source into fields. By default, will fail if it cannot convert a field to a number.


  • ids a list of field indices, or a maximum field index
  • delim string delimiter to parse fields (default space)
  • f a source @see create_getter
  • opts table option table, {no_fail=true}


    an iterator with the field values


    for x,y in fields {2,3} do print(x,y) end -- 2nd and 3rd fields from stdin
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