-- An example of usingsequence
to create a reusable sequence of terminal commands. -- This example uses thetextpushs
functions to change the text color. -- By using functions instead of strings the color change is only active during the -- execution of the sequence. local t = require("terminal") -- print a green checkmark, without changing any other attributes local greencheck = t.sequence( function() return t.textpushs({ fg = "green" }) end, -- set green FG color AT TIME OF WRITING "✔", -- write a check mark t.textpops -- passing in function is enough, since no parameters needed ) -- print a green checkmark at the top of the screen. -- doesn't use a stack for cursor pos, but terminal memory local top = t.sequence( t.cursor_saves, -- save cursor position, no params, so passing function is ok t.cursor_sets(1,1), -- move to roqw 1, column 1 greencheck, -- print the green checkmark, injecting another sequence t.cursor_restores -- restore cursor position, no params, so passing function is ok ) -- print another one at pos 2,2, but now use the cursor positioning stack -- this is safer, if the 'greencheck' sub-sequence would also use the -- terminal memory for the cursor position (overwriting ours). local top2 = t.sequence( function() return t.cursor_pushs(2,2) end, greencheck, -- print the green checkmark t.cursor_pops ) t.initialize() -- print the green checkmarks, by default this will be on a black background t.print(greencheck, " hello ", greencheck, " world ", greencheck) -- uses normal colors for the text -- change background to red, and print again, the same sequence now properly prints on a red background t.textpush({ bg = "red" }) t.write(greencheck, " hello ", greencheck, " world ", greencheck) -- text is on red background now t.textpop() -- whilst the cursor is still on the same line, otherwise if scrolling the scrolled line will be red! t.print() -- push the newline -- print again, and the background is back to black t.print(greencheck, " hello ", greencheck, " world ", greencheck) -- text is back to normal colors -- print the green checkmark at the top of the screen t.write(top) t.write(top2) -- anotheer one at pos 2,2 t.shutdown()