Class Element

XML DOM Element Interface.

See the Element and Node interfaces.

Tables Properties of the Element class, beyond the Node class


Element:defineNamespace (namespaceURI[, prefix]) Creates/updates an attribute that defines a namespace (additional to DOM 2 spec).
Element:getAttribute (name) Gets a plain Attribute value by name, implements getAttribute.
Element:getAttributeNS (namespaceURI, localName) Gets a namespaced Attribute value by namespace, implements getAttributeNS.
Element:getAttributeNode (name) Gets a plain Attribute node by name, implements getAttributeNode.
Element:getAttributeNodeNS (namespaceURI, localName) Gets a namespaced Attribute node by namespace, implements getAttributeNodeNS.
Element:getElementsByTagName (name) Returns a list of children matching the name, implements getElementsByTagName.
Element:getElementsByTagNameNS (namespaceURI, localName) Returns a list of children matching the namespace, implements getElementsByTagNameNS.
Element:hasAttribute (name) Checks existence of an Attribute node by name, implements hasAttribute.
Element:hasAttributeNS (namespaceURI, localName) Checks existence of an Attribute node by namespace, implements hasAttributeNS.
Element:removeAttribute (name) Removes a plain Attribute node by name, implements removeAttribute.
Element:removeAttributeNS (namespaceURI, localName) Removes a namespaced Attribute node by namespace, implements removeAttributeNS.
Element:removeAttributeNode (oldAttr) Removes an Attribute node, implements removeAttributeNode.
Element:setAttribute (name, value) Creates or modifies a plain Attribute node on the Element, implements setAttribute.
Element:setAttributeNS (namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value) Creates or modifies a namespaced Attribute node on the Element, implements setAttributeNS.
Element:setAttributeNode (newAttr) Adds or replaces a plain Attribute node on the Element, implements setAttributeNode.
Element:setAttributeNodeNS (newAttr) Adds or replaces a namespaced Attribute node on the Element, implements setAttributeNodeNS.
Element:write (buffer, namespacesInScope) exports the XML (additional to DOM 2 spec).

Properties of the Element class, beyond the Node class


  • tagName (string) the tag name for the element (readonly)


Element:defineNamespace (namespaceURI[, prefix])
Creates/updates an attribute that defines a namespace (additional to DOM 2 spec). Creates an attribute defining the specified namespace. If a defining attribute already exists, it will be updated. It will not check if the new definition collides with any implicitly defined namespace on the Element or on an Attribute.


  • namespaceURI string the namespace URI to define a prefix for.
  • prefix string The prefix to which to assign the namespaceURI value, or constants.DEFAULT_NS_KEY constant to set the default namespace. This defaults to constants.DEFAULT_NS_KEY if omitted. (optional)


    the atribute that was created/updated.


    -- defines attribute: 'xmlns:cool="http://some/namespace"' on the element
    local attr = elem:defineNamespace("http://some/namespace", "cool")
    -- defines attribute: 'xmlns="http://default/namespace"' on the element
    local attr = elem:defineNamespace("http://default/namespace")
Element:getAttribute (name)
Gets a plain Attribute value by name, implements getAttribute.



    value of the attribute, or nil+err
Element:getAttributeNS (namespaceURI, localName)
Gets a namespaced Attribute value by namespace, implements getAttributeNS.



    value of the attribute, or nil+err
Element:getAttributeNode (name)
Gets a plain Attribute node by name, implements getAttributeNode.



    the Attribute node, or nil+err
Element:getAttributeNodeNS (namespaceURI, localName)
Gets a namespaced Attribute node by namespace, implements getAttributeNodeNS.



    the Attribute node, or nil+err
Element:getElementsByTagName (name)
Returns a list of children matching the name, implements getElementsByTagName. The search is done recursively over the full depth, in a preorder traversal, and this will be the order of the elements in the returned NodeList.


  • name string Element tag name to search for, or "*" to match all.


    NodeList with children with the requested name.
Element:getElementsByTagNameNS (namespaceURI, localName)
Returns a list of children matching the namespace, implements getElementsByTagNameNS. The search is done recursively over the full depth, in a preorder traversal, and this will be the order of the elements in the returned NodeList.


  • namespaceURI string Element namespace URI to search for, or "*" to match all.
  • localName string Element localname to search for, or "*" to match all.


    NodeList with children with the requested namespace.
Element:hasAttribute (name)
Checks existence of an Attribute node by name, implements hasAttribute.



Element:hasAttributeNS (namespaceURI, localName)
Checks existence of an Attribute node by namespace, implements hasAttributeNS.



Element:removeAttribute (name)
Removes a plain Attribute node by name, implements removeAttribute.



    true, or nil+err
Element:removeAttributeNS (namespaceURI, localName)
Removes a namespaced Attribute node by namespace, implements removeAttributeNS.



    true, or nil+err
Element:removeAttributeNode (oldAttr)
Removes an Attribute node, implements removeAttributeNode.



    the removed Attribute node, or nil+err
Element:setAttribute (name, value)
Creates or modifies a plain Attribute node on the Element, implements setAttribute. If the Attribute doesn't exist yet on the Element, it will be created.



    created/updated Attribute node (this differs from the DOM2 spec)
Element:setAttributeNS (namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value)
Creates or modifies a namespaced Attribute node on the Element, implements setAttributeNS. If the Attribute doesn't exist yet on the Element, it will be created.


  • namespaceURI string the namespaceURI for the Attribute.
  • qualifiedName string the qualified attribute name.
  • value string attribute value.


    created/updated Attribute node (this differs from the DOM2 spec)
Element:setAttributeNode (newAttr)
Adds or replaces a plain Attribute node on the Element, implements setAttributeNode. If an Attribute by this name already exists on the Element, it will be replaced.



    true or the replaced Attribute node, or nil+err
Element:setAttributeNodeNS (newAttr)
Adds or replaces a namespaced Attribute node on the Element, implements setAttributeNodeNS. If an Attribute by this name already exists on the Element, it will be replaced.



    true or the replaced Attribute node, or nil+err
Element:write (buffer, namespacesInScope)

exports the XML (additional to DOM 2 spec).

Writing namespaces:

  • Namespaces set in the namespacesInScope table will be assumed to have already been defined and no declarations for those will be generated.

  • Namespaces in use in this Element or any of its Attributes will implicitly be defined on the Element unless they are already in scope.

  • Namespaces set as attributes on this element will be defined on this Element. This allows to define a namespace on a higher level element (where it is not necessarily in use), to prevent many duplicate definitions further down the tree. See Element:defineNamespace.


  • buffer array an array to which the chunks can be added.
  • namespacesInScope table list of namespace URIs indexed by prefix (or constants.DEFAULT_NS_KEY for the default namespace).


    the buffer array
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2022-04-22 13:38:32